Stejjer Minn Ħajjitna

Din il-paġna se tkun qed tinkludi diversi esperjenzi, gwidi, għarfien u stejjer minn ħajjet persuni li għexu bi problemi ta’ saħħa mentali, kif ukoll blogs minn diversi mistiedna, professjonisti u kontributuri oħra li jagħmlu parti mill-komunità wiesgħa ta’ Kif Int. Il-blogs se jkunu qed jiġu rappreżentati fil-lingwa oriġinali li ġew miktuba biss.



F'lejla bħal oħrajn ma sibtekx Iġġennint u ġejt niġri nfittxek U hemm fit-tarf tal-irdum sibtek Qed taħsiba ttihiex għal isfel. Pruvajt bil-mod lejk jiena nersaq Ma nħallikx tagħmel dak il-pass Dak il-pass li hsiebtu int bieb Bieb li kulma kien hu tmiem. Xejn iżjed ma...

Living with Psychosis

Living with Psychosis

By Matthew Paris “I thought of the voices as … something a little different from aliens. I thought of them more like angels … It's really my subconscious talking, it was really that … I know that now.” This quote is from John Nash, a Nobel Prize winning mathematician...

A Students Guide to Mentally Surviving a Pandemic

A Students Guide to Mentally Surviving a Pandemic

By Daniel Tihn For those who haven’t noticed, we are currently in a pandemic. And yes, the pandemic has hit everyone hard as we locked ourselves away, closed the shutters, barred the doors, and hid from the virus but a group that have certainly had a hard time over...

Attending Therapy

Attending Therapy

By Daniel Tihn Before delving into the article, I should first make it clear that I will be touching on some personal experiences regarding therapy and how it has helped me both in the past and the present. While I will not be going into great detail regarding past...

Mental Health & Middle-Aged Men: The Importance of Awareness

Mental Health & Middle-Aged Men: The Importance of Awareness

By Daniel Tihn Mental health has been discussed widely, so why are we writing this? Well, this article is for you, the person reading this, the person who might feel alone in a world filled with happy Facebook posts, the person who un-rightly believes that everyone...