

F’lejla bħal oħrajn ma sibtekx Iġġennint u ġejt niġri nfittxek U hemm fit-tarf tal-irdum sibtek Qed taħsiba ttihiex għal isfel. Pruvajt bil-mod lejk jiena nersaq Ma nħallikx tagħmel dak il-pass Dak il-pass li hsiebtu int bieb Bieb li kulma kien hu tmiem. Xejn...
Living with Psychosis

Living with Psychosis

By Matthew Paris “I thought of the voices as … something a little different from aliens. I thought of them more like angels … It’s really my subconscious talking, it was really that … I know that now.” This quote is from John Nash, a Nobel Prize winning...
A Students Guide to Mentally Surviving a Pandemic

A Students Guide to Mentally Surviving a Pandemic

By Daniel Tihn For those who haven’t noticed, we are currently in a pandemic. And yes, the pandemic has hit everyone hard as we locked ourselves away, closed the shutters, barred the doors, and hid from the virus but a group that have certainly had a hard time over...
Attending Therapy

Attending Therapy

By Daniel Tihn Before delving into the article, I should first make it clear that I will be touching on some personal experiences regarding therapy and how it has helped me both in the past and the present. While I will not be going into great detail regarding past...